Creative Connections Activity

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We are pleased to highlight the following Creative Connections activity….

The V&A have been running creative workshops, including dementia friendly tours of the Kimono exhibition, with us over the past couple of months. They are really great sessions and we are keen to get as many people benefitting from them as possible.

Led by the V&A  Dundee’s team of friendly designers, it’s a chance to socialise, talk about artworks and enjoy design activities together.

The next sessions are:

Thursday 5th Sept & Thursday 3rd October

Sessions are for anyone affected by dementia and their relatives, friends and supporters, and include a relaxed and informal guided tour; with refreshments.

The session will run from 10:30am – 12pm

Tea/coffee & biscuits are included.

To ensure comfortable group sizes, all places must be pre-booked. For more information or to book you place(s), please contact Shabana:

07585 601599